* Comprehensive, creative and engaging lessons for all ages;
* Comprehensive, creative and engaging lessons for all ages;
* Catering for individual needs and learning styles;
* Catering for individual needs and learning styles;
* Learn for examination and/or recreation...
* Learn for examination and/or recreation...
Duration: Beginner to grade 4: 30 minutes / Grade 5 and above: 60 minutes
Duration: Beginner to grade 4: 30 minutes / Grade 5 and above: 60 minutes
Individual private piano lessons are available for children who are six years or older. It is preferable for children to have at least completed the kindergarten year at school so that they can be more developmentally ready for instrumental study. It can even be beneficial to wait until seven or eight years of age. Once students have developed a certain level of skill and musical understanding on the instrument they will have the option of preparing for *AMEB examinations if they wish. There are two syllabuses available, Pianoforte (traditional syllabus) which also has a Musicianship/Theory of Music prerequisite in the higher grades, and the Piano for Leisure syllabus which is a lighter syllabus, but still very worthwhile. It is also possible to strategically combine the material from these syllabuses, thus getting the best of both. Examinations are completely optional and there is nothing wrong with learning without taking exams, but many people like to have this goal to work toward and also use it to measure their progress. If parents wish to enter their children into eisteddfods (competitions), they can also prepare for these during their piano lessons. Some people just want to learn to play an instrument for their own satisfaction and personal fulfilment without any desire to do exams or competitions, or even perform for other people. Although it is wonderful to share the joy of music with other people, all students’ individual wishes, needs and learning styles will always be respected and nurtured.
Individual private piano lessons are available for children who are six years or older. It is preferable for children to have at least completed the kindergarten year at school so that they can be more developmentally ready for instrumental study. It can even be beneficial to wait until seven or eight years of age. Once students have developed a certain level of skill and musical understanding on the instrument they will have the option of preparing for *AMEB examinations if they wish. There are two syllabuses available, Pianoforte (traditional syllabus) which also has a Musicianship/Theory of Music prerequisite in the higher grades, and the Piano for Leisure syllabus which is a lighter syllabus, but still very worthwhile. It is also possible to strategically combine the material from these syllabuses, thus getting the best of both. Examinations are completely optional and there is nothing wrong with learning without taking exams, but many people like to have this goal to work toward and also use it to measure their progress. If parents wish to enter their children into eisteddfods (competitions), they can also prepare for these during their piano lessons. Some people just want to learn to play an instrument for their own satisfaction and personal fulfilment without any desire to do exams or competitions, or even perform for other people. Although it is wonderful to share the joy of music with other people, all students’ individual wishes, needs and learning styles will always be respected and nurtured.
(*AMEB means Australian Music Examinations Board)
(*AMEB means Australian Music Examinations Board)
Individual private piano lessons are now also available for preschool children aged between 4.5 and 6 years. This is a special program and parents are required to attend these lessons so that they can assist their child with practise activities at home. It is preferred that children attend Do-Re-Mi Music for Children group classes before starting preschool piano lessons.
Individual private piano lessons are now also available for preschool children aged between 4.5 and 6 years. This is a special program and parents are required to attend these lessons so that they can assist their child with practise activities at home. It is preferred that children attend Do-Re-Mi Music for Children group classes before starting preschool piano lessons.
Duration: Determined by mode of instruction
Duration: Determined by mode of instruction
Instruction in Musicianship and Theory of Music as is related to playing the piano and understanding the music score is included in piano lessons. Musicianship and Theory of Music can also be studied as separate examinable subjects. This can be accommodated by either having a separate lesson for that subject, or having a longer instrument lesson and balancing the two subjects by giving more priority to whichever subject exam is approaching. The latter solution is not ideal as piano lessons in higher grades need to be of longer duration anyway as the work is in greater volume and level of difficulty. There are also study options for Theory of Music provided by the AMEB over the internet. The Musicianship syllabus has an aural component from grade four, whereas the Theory of Music syllabus does not. There is also the Music Craft syllabus which has both written and aural components throughout all grades. These syllabuses cover all the rudiments of music including signs and terms, notes, key signatures, scales and chords. At higher levels students learn about composing rhythms and melodies, first to poetry, then later for voices and instruments. Students study both two-part and four-part harmony. They learn about the various families of orchestral instruments as well as musical analysis and score study. History of music is studied throughout the main musical periods with reference to many important composers, their works and compositional types and styles.
Instruction in Musicianship and Theory of Music as is related to playing the piano and understanding the music score is included in piano lessons. Musicianship and Theory of Music can also be studied as separate examinable subjects. This can be accommodated by either having a separate lesson for that subject, or having a longer instrument lesson and balancing the two subjects by giving more priority to whichever subject exam is approaching. The latter solution is not ideal as piano lessons in higher grades need to be of longer duration anyway as the work is in greater volume and level of difficulty. There are also study options for Theory of Music provided by the AMEB over the internet. The Musicianship syllabus has an aural component from grade four, whereas the Theory of Music syllabus does not. There is also the Music Craft syllabus which has both written and aural components throughout all grades. These syllabuses cover all the rudiments of music including signs and terms, notes, key signatures, scales and chords. At higher levels students learn about composing rhythms and melodies, first to poetry, then later for voices and instruments. Students study both two-part and four-part harmony. They learn about the various families of orchestral instruments as well as musical analysis and score study. History of music is studied throughout the main musical periods with reference to many important composers, their works and compositional types and styles.
Copyright © 2024 Bernadette Talese. All Rights Reserved. Allegro Childrens Music.
Copyright © 2024 Bernadette Talese. All Rights Reserved. Allegro Childrens Music.