* Be a good learning model;
* Be a good learning model;
* Focus on your child;
* Focus on your child;
* Share your love of music...
* Share your love of music...
Early Childhood Music Classes
Early Childhood Music Classes
*A parent or carer must always attend early childhood music classes with their child. If you are bringing more than one enrolled child to the same class it would be helpful to bring another adult for learning support (if possible).
*A parent or carer must always attend early childhood music classes with their child. If you are bringing more than one enrolled child to the same class it would be helpful to bring another adult for learning support (if possible).
*Try to be punctual, but not more than five minutes early as young children become restless with waiting.
*Try to be punctual, but not more than five minutes early as young children become restless with waiting.
*Attend classes regularly so that children become comfortable with the routine.
*Attend classes regularly so that children become comfortable with the routine.
*In early childhood music classes it is most important for parents and carers to participate actively and enthusiastically with their child as you are their first teacher and learning model.
*In early childhood music classes it is most important for parents and carers to participate actively and enthusiastically with their child as you are their first teacher and learning model.
*Try to learn all the songs and rhymes so that music can be part of your everyday life outside of classes.
*Try to learn all the songs and rhymes so that music can be part of your everyday life outside of classes.
*Singing is as natural as your breathing and your heart beating. Just enjoy it and your joy and enthusiasm will transfer to your child.
*Singing is as natural as your breathing and your heart beating. Just enjoy it and your joy and enthusiasm will transfer to your child.
*Young children spend a lot of time looking and listening and do not always want to join in every activity, but they are constantly absorbing information and learning. They will often spontaneously repeat fragments of, and even entire rhymes and songs outside of music class while they are relaxing or playing.
*Young children spend a lot of time looking and listening and do not always want to join in every activity, but they are constantly absorbing information and learning. They will often spontaneously repeat fragments of, and even entire rhymes and songs outside of music class while they are relaxing or playing.
*Children may wander at times during the class, and this is fine providing the other children are not too distracted. Gently encourage your child to re-join the group, but do not force them. Remember that your own participation in the class is the best example and they will eventually join in.
*Children may wander at times during the class, and this is fine providing the other children are not too distracted. Gently encourage your child to re-join the group, but do not force them. Remember that your own participation in the class is the best example and they will eventually join in.
*There can often be a range of age within any class group and children develop at different rates also, so it is important to enjoy your own child’s progress without making comparisons to other children.
*There can often be a range of age within any class group and children develop at different rates also, so it is important to enjoy your own child’s progress without making comparisons to other children.
*Allow your child to feel and express a musical beat moving naturally, without assisting their hand or body to move. This also applies to the use of percussion instruments. Your child will learn from observing you and other class members. It is also important for the child to initiate their own beat at times.
*Allow your child to feel and express a musical beat moving naturally, without assisting their hand or body to move. This also applies to the use of percussion instruments. Your child will learn from observing you and other class members. It is also important for the child to initiate their own beat at times.
*Please keep mobile phones switched to ‘silent’ or off during class time.
*Please keep mobile phones switched to ‘silent’ or off during class time.
*Avoid unnecessary chatter with other adults during class time as this causes distraction, and pay attention to your child at all times. You want to provide a good model of behaviour for your child and they should be your main focus.
*Avoid unnecessary chatter with other adults during class time as this causes distraction, and pay attention to your child at all times. You want to provide a good model of behaviour for your child and they should be your main focus.
*Allow the teacher to effectively guide your child’s learning.
*Allow the teacher to effectively guide your child’s learning.
*Have fun!
*Have fun!
School Age Classes and Private Lessons
School Age Classes and Private Lessons
*Parents are welcome to sit in and quietly observe at any time however your children need space to learn freely and independently.
*Parents are welcome to sit in and quietly observe at any time however your children need space to learn freely and independently.
*If parents are observing classes it is important to do so silently, without having conversations with other adults in the background. Even quiet whispering causes distraction for both the students and the teacher, and you want to have a positive impact on your child’s learning. Also, your children will model their own behaviour on yours.
*If parents are observing classes it is important to do so silently, without having conversations with other adults in the background. Even quiet whispering causes distraction for both the students and the teacher, and you want to have a positive impact on your child’s learning. Also, your children will model their own behaviour on yours.
*Do encourage your child to follow up on class activities at home by completing a worksheet they may have started in class, practising a melody on an instrument, or just singing songs.
*Do encourage your child to follow up on class activities at home by completing a worksheet they may have started in class, practising a melody on an instrument, or just singing songs.
*Parents or caregivers in piano classes are actively involved in the class as a learning partner, providing support for each child's learning.
*Piano students need to be encouraged to practise regularly. Beginners should be practising for ten to fifteen minutes several times each week. As they progress the length of time spent practising will increase and it is best to aim for at least five practise sessions each week.
*Piano students need to be encouraged to practise regularly. Beginners should be practising for ten to fifteen minutes several times each week. As they progress the length of time spent practising will increase and it is best to aim for at least five practise sessions each week.
*Remember that the quality of practise is just as important as the quantity.
*Remember that the quality of practise is just as important as the quantity.
*Continue to show an interest in your child’s progress by listening to them singing and playing. Join in with them if and when you can, and above all remember to always praise their efforts.
*Continue to show an interest in your child’s progress by listening to them singing and playing. Join in with them if and when you can, and above all remember to always praise their efforts.
*Keep having fun!
*Keep having fun!
Copyright © 2024 Bernadette Talese. All Rights Reserved. Allegro Childrens Music.
Copyright © 2024 Bernadette Talese. All Rights Reserved. Allegro Childrens Music.